Facebook Bundle - Prestasop 1.7 Module

This document covers the installation and use of this module and reveals answers to common problems and issues - I encourage you to read this document thoroughly if you are experiencing any difficulties.

To install this module you must have already installed Prestashop version 1.7.x. For information in regard to installing the Prestashop platform, please see the Prestashop Documentation

Installation is quite simple, there is nothing more than default PrestaShop mechanisms. You have two ways to install the module.

Back-Office (BO) Installation

  1. Unzip downloaded archive. You will get two folders, "documentation", and "module"
  2. Navigate to Modules section in your BO.
  3. Click "Upload a Module" button at the top right corner.
  4. Now you will see the upload form, please select pkfacebook-v.1.x.zip from your disk.
  5. Confirm your choice, upload module. You will see confirmation message.
  6. Find "Facebook Bundlet" in your modules list, and install it
  7. Manual Installation

    1. Connect to your server
    2. Navigate to /modules/ folder in the root of your PrestaShop
    3. Unzip pkfacebook-v.1.0.zip and upload "pkfacebook" folder to your server. The path should be like this: /modules/pkfacebook
    4. Now go to your BackOffice
    5. Navigate to Modules section
    6. Find "Facebook Bundle" on your modules list
    7. Click "Install" button


In the "General" tab you have to add two keys which are necessarry to make the module work.


App ID - is ID of your Facebook Application and used by Facebook Login and Facebook Comments. You have to register your Application first. Go to https://developers.facebook.com. Registration creates an App ID.

Page ID - is ID of your Facebook Page and used by Facebook Chat. If you don't have a page yet, please create one https://www.facebook.com/help/104002523024878?helpref=about_content. Then use following service to get your Page ID https://findmyfbid.com.


Here you can manage Facebook Chat. Useful option here to not irritate your customers is a Delay before the Chat will be displayed. Sets the number of seconds of delay before the greeting dialog is shown after the plugin is loaded.



Most important option here is a Login Button Parent Element. You have to find a class or ID in the source code of your website of the element where you want to display Login Button to. Than add that class/ID to the field.



Product Comments can be displayed in two different places at Produt Page. You can choose between Product Tabs or just in the very bottom of the page "Product Footer"


If you encounter any problems or have questions once you purchased the theme feel free to drop us a notice at support@promokit.eu